12 Year Old Ossetian Girl from Fox News on Russian TV
Добавил RealNarod28 в категорию Новости и политика.
I record it just now from our Russia Channel Vesti 24, sorry for bad quality, i have storm and rain in my area... By posting this i wanna add some... i dont know, maybe piece of Truth to USA people and european people thats dont knows facts of whats happen in South Ossetia...All of it in Russia, i dont have so much time to translate it on eng, maybe some users will understand it. But i will say, this video shows about 12 old girl on Fox, press conf., and that youtube shut dont counter of video about 12 year old girl on Fox...Sorry for my not good english :)P.S. the city in the end of my video, is capital of South Ossetia that was attack by Georgia.To Russian People: Выложил запись с Вести 24 про девочку на Fox News и про то как СМИ Сша врет в новостях... ну думаю вы сами все поймете посмотрев видео, извините за качество, шел дождь и гроза, соответственно антенна плохо показывалаНадеюсь не удалят это видео.Power in the truth Продолжительность видео: 03:53 мин